Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!One month after leaving the UK, I arrived in Australia. In a way it was a relief to arrive in a country where I spoke more or less the same language as the locals (some of them, anyway!), although I had got used to getting my point across using copious amounts of sign language and pigeon English. I flew into Perth, WA as it was nearer Asia, and I wanted to avoid the East coast during the Olympics.I hung around in Perth for a week doing some touristy stuff and then decided to head North is search of some slightly warmer weather (it was only about 20 degrees or so during the day in Perth!). ![]() The trip to Exmouth just about cleaned me out so it was time to come back to the hustle and bustle of Perth and seek employment. This proved to be relatively easy (Computing is a pretty good industry to be in these days!), although there was a lot of leg work involved, not to mention the shock of donning a shirt and tie for the first time in ages! Once the job was sorted I even managed to find a group of people at the hostel who were also looking for a house, so we all ended up moving in. John, Becky, Georgia, Silvia and I all shacked up together for about 6 weeks before they all started leaving. I tried not to take it too personally! It was a pretty good house, if a little basic and cold. The houses here (or the cheap ones, at least!) aren't equipped to deal with the cold weather - there was no heating of any description. Getting up for work became a bit of a nightmare. When those guys left it was a couple of weeks back in the hostel before I managed to find another house to move into for my final month or so in Perth. The lucky housemates this time being Emma, Dave, Roisin, Linda and Robert. Click here to read about my impressions of and guide to Perth - a great city. |